How to have a Green Valentine’s Day – What is Eco Friendly Green Sex?
Posted by Norman F, February 1st, 2025
Having an Eco Friendly Green Valentine’s Day or any holiday, is more and more desirable these days. How can you green your Valentine’s Day?
- Instead of a Valentine’s Day card, send a virtual Valentine’s Day card or make your own card
- Dark Chocolate has been found to have worrisome levels of dangerous heavy metals. How about some other treat?
- If you must send flowers, try to purchase flowers that were grown locally to your area or ones that are Fair trade Certified
- Why spend a large amount of money and resources eating out, when a romantic dinner is even better?
- Buy your meats and vegetables for your big meal from a local farmers market or from local sources
- Buy any new garments from a high-quality used clothing store
- Utilize reusable bags to hold gifts
- Compost any meals leftovers, flowers, cards etc.
- Give out green oriented treats like handwritten poems, homemade scents, and handmade arts and crafts.
- Observe eco-friendly romantic relations
Filed under: Conservation, Easy, Eco Friendly, Effort, Events, Food, Green, Home, Money, Reduce | Tags: Safe Sex, Valentine's Day |
Let’s face it, the harsh weather in Winter can really test your home. Winter is the time of the year to help protect the value of your home and save energy by making several adjustments. Now is not the time to remodel or repaint your home, but a time to fine tune the operation of your home. You’re basically dialing in any changes you may for Fall, and should move major fixes to springtime.
In October/November when the daylight savings time change occurs, it is time to work on your Smoke Detectors – Carbon Monoxide Alarms.
Carbon Monoxide Detector – Smoke Alarms
Happy New Year from EasyEcoBlog!
May the new year bring you lots of luck and prosperity, and more greenness! Only through education can we learn how to be eco-friendly, green. We all need to learn new ways of doing things and need to help teach our friends and neighbors how to do things the right way.
Did you know that the psychological stress that the holidays bring causes us to eat too much and automatically steer towards comfort foods full of fat and sugar?
Setting New Year’s resolutions can be a great way to focus on personal growth and positive changes.
Filed under: Cleaning, Conservation, Easy, Eco Friendly, Effort, Electronics, Energy, Environment, Green, Health, Home, Kids, Kitchen, Money, Organic, Recycling, Reduce, Reuse, Shopping | Tags: Diet, Exercise, New Years, New Years Resolutions |
How to have a Eco Friendly or Green Christmas – Recycling Gift Wrap, Holiday Cards, LED Lights, and Trees
Posted by Norman F, November 25th, 2024
Having an Eco Friendly Green Christmas is more and more desirable these days. Beside losing all the gained weight, we can do the following to have a more green and healthy holiday.
How can you Green your Christmas?
- Reduce the number of trips you need to make or take public transportation
- Buy your fruits and vegetables from a local farmers market or from local sources.
- Buy organic when possible, except for product on the Clean 15 list
- Utilize reusable bags to hold groceries
- Don’t over cook or serve too much food
- Eat on real dishes and use cloth napkins
- Rent or buy your decorations from used clothing stores like Goodwill. Reusing items that you already have is even better.
- Donate extra food, money, clothing to those in need
- Compost the leftovers, fruits, vegetables, etc.
- Give out green oriented treats like organic fruit, re-purposed trinkets
Filed under: Cleaning, Conservation, Easy, Eco Friendly, Effort, Home, Recycling, Reduce | Tags: Christmas, gift wrap, Holiday Cards |
Losing Weight During the Holidays, Diet vs Exercise and Walkstation – Multitask – Fight Obesity, Exercise while Working
Posted by Norman F, October 1st, 2024
The holidays are here! The media has reported that the average person gains 7 to 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ouch. Big dinners, more alcohol, more snacks, more finger foods, tempting desserts, and appetizers. How can we work to combat those pounds?
Small Packages of Food
Filed under: Conservation, Eco Friendly, Effort, Entertainment, Events, Green, Health, Home, Kitchen, Medium, Reduce | Tags: Diet, Dog, Exercise, Holiday Eating, Weight loss |
Fall coming and a chill is in the air. It is time to get prepared for colder and wetter weather. Not only can we make our home more comfortable, we can save on our energy bill.
- Conduct an energy assessment or energy audit
- Get your heater or furnace serviced or upgraded. Replace air filters on heaters and air conditioners.
- Setup your programmable thermostat
- Check Your smoke detectors and change their batteries. Install carbon monoxide detectors if you don’t have any. They are now required in certain states.
- Seal air leaks, add insulation, fix leaky air ducts. Also insulate any exposed outdoor plumbing
- Clean your gutters and drain pipe
- Tune your sprinkler system or install a Smart controller
- Take advantage of the Federal Tax Credit for Energy Efficiency for wind, geothermal, solar, and more.
- Cut back any tree branches or foliage that is in danger of falling
- Check and fix your deck for leaks, cracks, and nails in need of repair
- If you live in the North and have a lawn, it may be time to fertilize your lawn
Going green makes the cold season more bearable and easier on the wallet.
Filed under: Cleaning, Conservation, Easy, Eco Friendly, Effort, Energy, Green, Home, Indoor Air Quality, Money, Reduce, Shopping | Tags: Fall |
Green Summer Preparation Tips and Season Home Preparation Tips
Posted by Norman F, May 15th, 2024
Summer is rapidly approaching, it is time to clean up your place. Getting ready for summer can generate a lot of waste. The warmer weather opens up the opportunity to get outside more often as well as requires us to cool down the home.
EWG has a nice list of tips to help you clean your house the green or more eco-friendly way.
- When traveling on vacation, try to carpool, take public transportation, or walk as much as possible
- Check the exterior of your home and repair any cracked or flaking paint,. Time to apply caulk, weatherstrip and paint.
- Check and clean gutters, downspouts again
- Remove and clean storm windows (if you have them)
- It is time to work on your garden, sprinkler system, and rejuvenate your lawn
- Check your water heater for leaks and sediment, turn down its temperature if possible
- Check your garden’s irrigation system and outdoor taps
- Look for termites, ants, and other pests
- The heater will get a rest, so it’s time to check and clean your air conditioner and its filters. Have a HVAC professional do seasonal maintenance
- Check your roof and patch or replace any damaged areas. This is the time to fix leaks
- Check and clean chimney if necessary
- Consider a solar electric system and/or battery backup
- If you live in a windy area, consider a wind turbine
- If you your car needs replacement, consider purchasing a hybrid or all electric car
Filed under: Cleaning, Conservation, Easy, Eco Friendly, Effort, Energy, Environment, Green, Home, Indoor Air Quality, Money, Reduce, Shopping, Solar | Tags: Air conditioner, inverter air conditioner, summer |
Recycle Drugs, Recycle Medicine – Disposing of Medicine Properly
Posted by Norman F, April 21st, 2024
April 27, 2004 10am local time, is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.
The DEA is promoting this day for people to turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal. They have a local collection site locator on their website. Over 5600 sites will take back items. Several cities near me are participating with most drop of locations at police stations. Last year 324 tons was taken back and recycled.
It is important to recycle drugs and recycle medicine properly!
Filed under: Easy, Effort, Environment, Green, Health, Home, Water | Tags: flush medicine, Medicine Disposal, Prescription Drugs |
Happy Earth Day, Monday April 22, 2024. It’s great that more attention is being paid to eco friendly, green causes. Earth Day started slow, but has gained momentum every year. We celebrate it everyday as do many of our readers. Look for local events in your community.
It was first celebrated in 1970, and since then it has grown to become a global movement involving more than 1 billion people in over 190 countries. The day is marked by various activities such as tree-planting, recycling campaigns, and educational events aimed at promoting environmental conservation and sustainability.
Take time to help educate friends, neighbors, family members, and strangers about ways to lead a more eco friendly or green lifestyle. Only through extended enlightenment, can the cause succeed. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed under: Alternative Energy, Cleaning, Conservation, Eco Friendly | Tags: earthday |
10 Green Spring Cleaning Tips and Season Home Preparation Tips
Posted by Norman F, March 1st, 2024
Spring is rapidly approaching, it is time to clean up your place. EWG Has a nice list of tips to help you clean your house the green more eco-friendly way.
- Check the exterior of your home and repair any cracked or flaking paint
- Check and clean gutters again
- It is time to work on your garden and rejuvenate your lawn
- Inspect and test your sprinkler system. It will be needed soon
- Clean out your garage and closets. The holiday season is over and it is time to donate useless items and recycle other things
- Bad weather is over. Your car needs some TLC. Change its oil if necessary, get an inspection, clean and wax its exterior
- Check and clean chimney if necessary
- The heater will get a rest, so it’s time to check your air conditioner and its filters
- Check your roof and patch or replace any damaged areas
Spring cleaning is a yearly tradition that involves deep cleaning and decluttering the home in the springtime. It is a time to refresh the living space, get rid of the old and make room for the new
Filed under: Cleaning, Easy, Effort, Health, Home, Indoor Air Quality, Shopping | Tags: chemicals, EWG, green cleaners, kitchen cleaners, MSDS, Spring cleaning Tips |