1 Feb

How to have a Green Valentine’s Day – What is Eco Friendly Green Sex?

Posted by Norman F

Valentine's Day, Champagne, lingerie, chocolates

Having an Eco Friendly Green Valentine’s Day or any holiday, is more and more desirable these days. How can you green your Valentine’s Day?

fair trade certified flowers, roses, whole foods

  • Instead of a Valentine’s Day card, send a virtual Valentine’s Day card or make your own card
  • Dark Chocolate has been found to have worrisome levels of dangerous heavy metals. How about some other treat?
  • If you must send flowers, try to purchase flowers that were grown locally to your area or ones that are Fair trade Certified
  • Why spend a large amount of money and resources eating out, when a romantic dinner is even better?
  • Buy your meats and vegetables for your big meal from a local farmers market or from local sources
  • Buy any new garments from a high-quality used clothing store
  • Utilize reusable bags to hold gifts
  • Compost any meals leftovers, flowers, cards etc.
  • Give out green oriented treats like handwritten poems, homemade scents, and handmade arts and crafts.
  • Observe eco-friendly romantic relations

With a little preparation we all can make a difference, even on Valentine’s Day.

Eco Friendly Green Sex


Protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and pregnancy is the leading concern for most folks engaging in sex. How can we make it eco friendly.

We couldn’t believe that eco-friendliness has extended itself to another realm, sex. Eco Friendly Green Sex is described in the new book Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable.

The book covers eco-friendly alternatives to a wide variety of merchandise from bed sheets to mood lighting to fair-trade condoms to green dating sites to hair and makeup to lubricants to toys and romance. It also covers the resource usage results if you have children.

Can you Compost Condoms?

You practice safe sex and are environmentally friendly, but wonder, what can I do with a condom?  Most condoms are made of latex rubber, but take too long to break down in a compost heap. Lubricants or other chemicals may also be on it. It will eventually break down over time, but cannot be composted in a commercial compost bin. If you do your own composting, you can probably compost them in 6 months or so.

Do not try flushing them down the toilet, that will cause more problems. (Clogging pipes, polluting the waterways, etc.)

Non-latex condoms are usually made of polyurethane, so they too cannot be composted.

Be sure to compost things like your Valentine’s Day cards, flowers and meal.

Do you have any tips on being more green?

Posted on February 1st, 2025
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