Energy Upgrade California (EUC) Rebates – PG&E, SCE, SDGE
Posted by Norman F, March 4th, 2018
Seasons are changing, just in time for a crazy good rebate on air conditioners, heaters, insulation, and more. A very lucrative, new limited time California energy efficiency rebate is available where you can receive rebates from Energy Upgrade California program. PG&E, SCE, San Diego Gas & Electric – SDG&E, or BVE are covered by their home upgrade incentive. Energy Upgrade California is focused on a whole house approach to saving energy, measuring the actual savings. San Francisco Bay Area information line 855-464-8484. This program ends when funding dries up.
The goal of the program:
- Get rebates, financing, and incentives to reduce the cost of your home upgrade
- Reduce energy use
- Live in a more comfortable home
Filed under: Alternative Energy, Conservation, Effort, Energy, Home, Medium, Waste | Tags: California, Energy Upgrade California, Home Energy Audit, PGE, San Diego Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison |