Posts Tagged ‘commercial building’

17 Nov

How to Make your Business Energy-Efficient

Posted by Norman F, November 17th, 2014

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Business accounts for 18% of total US energy use with heating and cooling consuming a whopping 36% of electricity energy use. US Energy Information Administration predicts heating oil, electricity, and natural gas will cost 2% to 10% more this winter. Want to increase your profits, advertise your customers that you are hip, and help the environment?

Your Energy Bill arrives and it is way to high. You can start by asking your energy provider to check your meters accuracy, but you will have to do detective work to really save money. Our local utility, PG&E, just announced another energy rate increase. You can go green and save money by following our energy saving tips. This is an overview of the many energy saving tips we have covered over the years along with links to detailed articles.

One of the keys is to have all your employees on board with your energy efficiency goals. They can provide a lot of useful input and need to cooperate with any changes.

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