Posts Tagged ‘Deck’

16 Jul

Decks – Green Deck Designs and Green Deck Plans

Posted by Norman F, July 16th, 2012

deck, decking, trex composite decking

We are doing some research into replacing an aging outdoor deck.  The costs to repair it and repaint it are so high that it makes sense to simply recycle the old deck and replace the old redwood.  One of the first decisions when redoing a deck is what type of material to use, real wood or a composite decking material. Both materials cost about the same, with composite material slightly more expensive.

Eco-friendly FSC Certified Wood

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an independent nonprofit group started in 1993, who gives a seal of approval to commercial forests that meet strong environmental and social guidelines. They use independent auditors to ensure compliance. If you look on the back of many major catalogs, you will see the FSC logo certifying the paper.

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