Method has a new way of packaging refill products such as their foaming hand wash refill and their laundry detergent, and dish soap. They use a pouch with easy pour spout that they claim uses 83% less footprint than a rigid plastic bottle. It uses less plastic, energy, and water. Refills are in widespread use in Europe, where they are more green and landfills are as plentiful.
The pouch itself is a stock pouch from Winpack International, so more vendors may start using this packaging. Consumers can save money by purchasing refills, while companies can actually make more money. Less fuel is utilized transporting packaging and essentially water. Concentrated refills save even more money, and just require the addition of water.
It will take some time for consumers to accept refilling. Hand pump soaps are one area in which refills have gained acceptance.
Filed under: Conservation, Easy, Eco Friendly, Effort, Environment, Green, Home, Kitchen, Recycling, Reduce, Waste | Tags: Method, pouch packaging |