Vitamin Water Nutrition Controversy – Is it good for you? plus Vitamin Water zero vs Coconut Water
Posted by Norman F, January 1st, 2017
Everyone now knows: The consumption of sugar-sweetened drink is among the world’s strongest risk factors for obesity, some studies showing up to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children, for each daily serving of this poison.
Is Vitamin Water a low calorie nutritious drink or a virtual soda-like drink in disguise? Is it good for you? Vitamin Water made the news recently. Center for Science in the Public Interest sued Coca Cola, who owns Vitamin Water over deceptive and unsubstantiated claims on its original Vitamin Water line of beverages.
Coke has marketed it as a healthy alternative to drinking soda. Adjectives like “defense,” “rescue,” “energy,” and “endurance.” make it even more appealing to sugary soda. Phrases like: reduce the risk of chronic disease, reduce the risk of eye disease, promote healthy joints, and support optimal immune function, also reinforce this healthy image.
Filed under: Easy, Eco Friendly, Effort, Food, Health, Kids, Reduce, Shopping, Waste, Water | Tags: coconut water, Diet Soda, soda, sugar, Vitamin Water, Vitamin Water Zero |